Scripture Passage for Today
Scripture Focus
“You said your children would be carried off as plunder. Well, I will bring them safely into the land, and they will enjoy what you have despised. But as for you, you will drop dead in this wilderness.” (Numbers 14:31-32 NLT)
Numbers 14 has to be one of the “richest” passages in all of Scripture—one full of divine opportunity and fascinating human responses of all kinds to that opportunity! It’s a chapter that raises all sorts of questions: Why were Joshua and Caleb so faith-filled and the other ten spies so faithless? Why (one of my favorite questions) would Israel need to “choose a leader” to go back to Egypt? Why (in other words) do you need to choose someone to lead you back to where you’ve already been?
(Think of that, my friend—leaders are God-given in order to move things forward! In the words of my sheriff’s-deputy friend, “Stop resisting!”)
One of the saddest moments is found in Numbers 14:31. God speaks to the faithless nation these words regarding themselves and their children: “…they will enjoy what you have despised.” Talk about opportunity lost!
Of course, the people responded to that word of judgment by attempted to possess the Promised Land anyway—and they were soundly turned back. This was not just opportunity lost—but irrevocably so. Their persistent unbelief meant God’s blessings would have to wait for a new generation who would believe.
I don’t want to be there, you know? I don’t want to be among those who are slow to believe and slow to act, and therefore forfeit divine opportunities. I want my “yes” to be both full-hearted and immediate. Let Hebrews 10:39 be true of us—“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved” (Hebrews 10:39 NIV).
Let faith arise that we truly trust and believe what God has promised.
ReplyDeleteThis is just another part of scripture that shows us how very important it is to have a right - with - God, heart. He will not use us in all the area's we may want, until our hearts are right. Having a right heart is something we have to work at our entire lives. It is a daily prayer request of mine for God to work on my heart in all the area's it needs. He really does work miricles with our hearts, if we truely love Him and want to change. Thank you Jesus for all you have done in my heart, thus far. I look forward to having a heart that is more pleasing to you daily. To me, having a heart pleasing to the Lord makes every day such a blessing!!! Life is Good, but with God in it, it is sooooooo GOOD! Give me a wholeheart Lord, pounding for you!
ReplyDeleteThank God that He love us so much he gave us Jesus. Like the person said before I would not want to be in Isreal shoes after coming all the way from eygpt to the promise land just to be told by God they would not enter it.I want to follow Jesus no matter what and where He leads.