Friday, March 12, 2010

"What? Me Normal?"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

“Normally it takes only eleven days…” (Deuteronomy 1:2 NLT)


Ever had anything take longer than “normal” to accomplish?

I was standing in an auto parts store many years ago when a disheveled fellow in oil-stained work clothes came in, again, because the part he’d picked up the first and second times didn’t work. I still remember his frustrated remark: “Everything I ever did in my life I had to do three times!”

Israel knew that frustration—indeed, it was a bit more than frustration in this case. It was forty years of wilderness wandering waiting for every member of a faithless generation to die! But finally, they were on the borders of the Promised Land once more, and now—forty years after the fact—were poised to inherit what God had promised.

In like manner, everything in your life may not have come together the way you expected. Things may have taken a little longer than planned. Or maybe you’re not sure they’re coming together any more at all! Maybe you’re wondering if “the whole thing”—whatever it is you’ve dreamed God might do in and through your life—is a hoax, a farce.

Today I suggest that God isn’t finished yet. Yes, it might be taking longer than normal. Others might have seemed to accomplish more in less time. Some might look at your life and wonder if things you’ve said about God’s plans for you are simply so much baloney. Plenty of onlookers might have said those things about Israel, too. But bottom line, it really doesn’t matter what “normal” is by everyone else’s standards. It only matters if you’re marching in step with the Master Orchestrator. He knows how to bring you in to what He’s promised… whether it’s in ten days or forty years.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, to me that is what is so beautiful about life. I never fully know what God has in store for me, but I love the challenge. I love it!!!!! Countless times I have been in awe for what He has done for me. I'm creeping up to 50 years old and I still have alot of work to do for the Lord, I can feel it and I want to do it. I wish I could say I will never get mad or be sad. I know I should not be, deep inside, cause He is taking care of me. I don't want to miss one thing that the Lord wants me to do and that is where I know I have let Him down before. Time to live every day, like it is my last. Loving and obeying God and trusting Him through the good times and the bad. With God in our lives, there really is no bad times. He is growing us up.:)I am looking forword to each and every day God gives me. Looking back on my past I can see that God did this and that, over and over...for me. I am so thankful too. Have a wonderful life in Jesus!
