Friday, April 9, 2010

"Eli--The Passive Priest"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

“It is the LORD’s will,” Eli replied. “Let him do what he thinks best.” (1 Samuel 3:17 NLT)


Again today, I’m perhaps out on a bit of a limb. Remember—this is my devotional record and nothing more…only what captures my attention as I read. It can be shaped as much by what I had for breakfast as by the Spirit of God!

Still, today, I’m struck by what I perceive to be Eli’s passive acceptance (first) of his sons’ abuse of their priestly privileges and their blatant immoral behavior, and (second) of God’s declaration of impending judgment that results.

With regard to the first, the Scriptures make it clear that Eli “…was aware of what his sons were doing” (1 Sam 2:22), but—basically—he did nothing more than say to his sons, “You’re gonna be in big trouble if you don’t stop” (1 Sam 2:23-25).

With regard to the second—well, it’s not lost on me that the Lord was “already planning” on putting Hophni and Phinehas to death (1 Sam 2:25), but still, Eli’s “matter of fact” acceptance of God’s pronounced judgment is a bit difficult to comprehend.

I’m only speculating, I know, about Eli’s passiveness, but I also know that I don’t ever want to be that way—especially about matters of such grave significance! If my children need correction, I want to offer it (and I’m sure they’d tell you I do!). And if God has pronounced judgment (*especially* on someone I love so dearly as my children), I want to act—to intercede on their behalf—much like Abraham did on behalf the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18)…or Hezekiah did on behalf of himself (2 Kings 20)!

What I’m really expressing here is broader than that, and perhaps captured best by George Barna’s words in his leadership classic, The Power of Vision.

“The objective,” he says, “is not to acquiesce to a preordained future but to create the future. …the future is not something that just happens; it is a reality that is created by those strong enough to exert control over their environment. The future is not a done deal waiting for response. The future belongs to God and through Him to those who are driven to shape it.”

I don’t want to acquiesce. I want to make a future-shaping difference.

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