Sunday, April 25, 2010

"I Am Mephibosheth"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

And from that time on, Mephibosheth ate regularly at David’s table, like one of the king’s own sons. (2 Samuel 9:11 NLT)


I am Mephibosheth. I am the child of an unrighteous king, and an unrighteous subject in an unrighteous kingdom. I am lame, broken, scarred, and imperfect. And I am utterly unable to provide for myself what I desperately need and cannot live without.

But that kingdom of darkness which left me both unfit and unable has been superseded by a Kingdom of Righteousness and a Righteous King.

And—wonder beyond words—that righteous King has provided for me that which I cannot provide for myself. He has invited me to His table, made a place for me at His meal, carried me to that feast, and both promised and provided for me all that I need and more—today and forevermore.

How good to be at the King’s Table! How good to sit with Him, feast with Him, talk with Him, rest in Him—and to know that His invitation stands!

1 comment:

BBlazic said...

And today being Sunday I feel like I am especially at the King's table.