Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Not-So-Mini Me"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

“Although you may think little of yourself…” (1 Samuel 15:17 NLT)


I’m a bit surprised by Samuel’s statement regarding Saul’s self-image. Though impetuous and impatient (as described yesterday)—and given that he was found “hiding among the baggage” on the day he was anointed king—still, Saul doesn’t seem exactly faint of heart when it comes to decision-making. Besides, just before this declaration by Samuel, Saul was busy setting up a monument to himself!

Given that he’s a prophet of God, however, I accept Samuel’s declaration about Saul as truth, and recognize that sometimes the most insecure people act in the most assured (and self-aggrandizing) ways—perhaps in an attempt to compensate for those very insecurities. That’s probably worth considering when you deal with someone who seems quite self-assured.

More important for me is that Samuel’s words indicate that, no matter what Saul really thought of himself deep down, his influence was substantial—and not, I think, simply because he held the title “king”. I suspect, rather, that it’s true for every one of us—we are more than we seem (even to ourselves) and our influence is broader…further-reaching…than we think.

In this case, Saul minimizes his disobedience as inconsequential—but Samuel’s rebuke says otherwise. A whole nation was affected because Saul had failed to carry out the Lord’s command.

And so it is with us. No man is an island. Each act…each action…ripples throughout time, carrying weight and consequence we seldom see or understand. No wonder Samuel says…

           Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft,
                and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols.
                                                   (1 Samuel 15:23 NLT)

Perhaps today I’ll ask the Lord to help me see—at least in part—the impact of my obedience to Him…the weight my actions carry. Perhaps you might, as well.

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