Monday, April 26, 2010

"You Da Man—and that Ain't Good!"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

Have mercy on me, O God,
     because of your unfailing love.
Because of your great compassion,
     blot out the stain of my sins.
                           (Psalm 51:1 NLT)


Yesterday, I was Mephibosheth. Today, I am David. In one of the most dramatic turns recorded in Scripture, “In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war…” (2 Samuel 11:1 NLT), David stayed home. He sent out his armies, but he, himself, stayed home.

Plenty has been written about the significance of David’s choices—about what must have motivated him to stay home, or (more accurately) why he lacked the motivation to “go out to war.” Since the Scriptures don’t say anything particularly definitive about the reasons why, I’m not sure we can, either. Truth is, it doesn’t really matter. David’s story remains my story.

Oh, perhaps the details are different, but just like David, I’ve grown weary, distracted, de-energized, and more interested in my afternoon nap (2 Samuel 11:2) than the battle to be fought and won. Those conditions set me up for failure—and there have been plenty of times I’ve chosen just that!

But no matter how great my failure, it is gloriously exceeded by the bountiful grace of God. And I discover that when I run back to Him, the foundation for forgiveness remains the same. He forgives not because I beg enough, or sorrow enough, or even because I promise to never fail again. He forgives because of who He is—full of unfailing love and great compassion. When I am “da man”—and wish I weren’t (“You are that man!”—2 Samuel 12:7)—His unfailing love and great compassion keep open before me the door to reconciliation with Him, and He does “purify me…wash me…[and] give me back my joy again” (see Psalm 51:7-11). Because of who I am? Not for a millisecond. It’s because of who He is—full of unfailing love and great compassion.

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