Saturday, May 8, 2010

"Shepherd Care"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

I will not be afraid,
     for you are close beside me.
                   (Psalm 23:4 NLT)


I’m sure it is the most familiar psalm in Scripture—it may be the most familiar passage in Scripture—the 23rd Psalm. In this beloved psalm, David—who has been both shepherd and king—celebrates the care and expresses the heart of our Shepherd-King, Jesus Christ.

My favorite words (among these favorite words) are found in the middle of verse 4—and most familiar from the King James Version:

I will fear no evil,
     For Thou art with me.
             (Psalm 23:4 KJV)

This reality—Jesus’ abiding presence—is the one constant that overcomes all life’s inconsistencies and unknowns. He is with me every moment of every day. He will never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). Even on that day when I “pass through the valley of the shadow of death,” He will be with me still. He has blazed the trail of faith I am walking now, and He completed it with absolute success.

For reasons I don’t completely understand, all this brings to mind these familiar lyrics:

Why should I feel discouraged,
     Why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely
     And long for Heav'n and home,
When Jesus is my portion?
     My constant Friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow,
     And I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow,
     And I know He watches me!

So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:6 NIV). Thank you, Lord, for your abiding presence!

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