Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"A Spiritual S.O.S.!"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

Help us, O God of our salvation!
     Help us for the glory of your name.
Save us and forgive our sins
     for the honor of your name.
                   (Psalm 79:9 NLT)


These are the psalms of desperate people—Psalms 79-82. These are the words of people who are feeling the oppression that results when their nation has neglected God and now suffers as a result.

The application that immediately jumps to mind is perhaps—but only perhaps—too simple. It’s easiest to say this is America’s spot as well…that these are words we ought to memorize, because they’ll be all too necessary before we know it.

The truth is, I don’t know that I have the depth and breadth of perspective to pinpoint where America sits on the spectrum of nations that have forgotten their God. Though obviously we’ve moved far from our roots, I am also confident that there are many in our nation who love God and long for this nation to reflect His character. In that regard, a passionate, Godly remnant seems to tug at God’s heart and delay any judgment for a long time. For ten righteous people, God would’ve spared even wicked Sodom.

Still, there is no doubt our nation—and our world—faces challenges that demand more than human wisdom or skill to address. We need God’s help. Whether you conclude that the downfall of our nation is both imminent and unavoidable, or perhaps hold out hope for a return to Biblical righteousness, either way…either way…

Help us, O God of our salvation!
     Help us for the glory of your name.
Save us and forgive our sins
     for the honor of your name.
                             (Psalm 79:9 NLT)

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