Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Let's Hear It For..."

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

They read from the Book of the Law of God and clearly explained the meaning of what was being read, helping the people understand each passage. (Nehemiah 8:8 NLT)


Let’s hear it for expository teachers/preachers of God’s Word! The people of God have been exiled and then repatriated to their homeland. They have a history as God’s holy people, but their life experience has been in Babylon. Now, in the new-again context of Jerusalem under reconstruction, they are in need of someone who cannot only read to them the Word of God, but also clearly explain the meaning of what is being read. The Levites rise to the occasion.

The Israelites' condition is my condition. Where would I be without the gifted teachers and preachers and wise fellow-believers who have poured their understanding into my life?

Let’s hear it for the written Word of God! Israel needed that written record of their history as God’s people and His covenant with them—and so do I. Where would I be without the dedicated scribes who meticulously copied God’s word in the centuries before Gutenberg? Where would I be without the scholars who’ve diligently studied and carefully translated ancient manuscripts so that I have a readily accessible, more easily understandable, personal copy of the Scriptures?

Let’s hear it for enthusiastic, receptive listeners! Listeners like the Israelites in Nehemiah 8, who welcome the proclaimed word of God so eagerly and with such sensitivity that they’re moved to tears at the reading and proclamation of it.

Let’s hear it for Sunday mornings in my world—when all of these rich elements come together for a glorious day in the Lord!


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