Scripture Passage
Scripture Focus
But if I am casting out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you. (Matthew 2:28 NLT)
The accusation by Jesus’ enemies in today’s reading is that Jesus does his work by demonic powers. Jesus points out the obvious—that for a demon to cast out a demon would be self-defeating! (Duh! Ya think?) Then Jesus raises the only viable alternative to the foolish proposition of His enemies—that He was casting out demons “by the Spirit of God” (Matthew 2:28 NLT). And building on that declaration, please note the logical conclusion Jesus announces:
But if I am casting out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you. (Matthew 2:28 NLT)
The dominate theme of Jesus’ teaching, preaching, and ministry was the arrival of the Kingdom of God. Please note—not just conversation about the Kingdom, but the experience of its arrival! In his hometown synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus reads from the prophet Isaiah a passage that speaks of the blind seeing, the captive released, and the oppressed set free—all signs of the Kingdom of God. Then he says quite clearly:
“The Scripture you’ve just heard has been fulfilled this very day!” (Luke 4:21 NLT)
Jesus then sets out doing exactly what was prophesied by Isaiah. He pronounces the forgiveness of sins (Luke 5:23), heals the sick (John 5:8) and demonstrates His authority over demons! Every action Jesus takes confirms the Kingdom's arrival.
I’m not sure we get it, always, that there’s a spiritual battlefield marked by constant activity—a realm of forceful interaction between forces of good and evil that impacts our existence day by day. Jesus’ announcement is that the eternal Kingdom of God has invaded the present…has marched into the here-and-now…and is evidencing it’s presence by the signs and wonders Jesus accomplished—the miracles and the gospels report. The question I’m asking myself today is whether I’m living in that Kingdom’s reign or not. I assure you—I’m certainly not actively campaigning for the enemy—but am I engaging the advancing reign of God? He’s invaded this present age in the person of Jesus Christ, and continues that invasion through the present work of His Holy Spirit. Am I even aware of the battle?
Pastor, Yet another reply to Nathanael's question.. Can there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?(John2:46) Martin