Friday, July 30, 2010

"Stop Denying!"

Scripture Passage

Scripture Focus

“How you plot and scheme to win your lovers.
     Even an experienced prostitute could learn from you!…
And yet you say,
‘I have done nothing wrong.
     Surely God isn’t angry with me!’
                                  (Jeremiah 2:33, 35 NLT)


The nation of Judah is a mess. As a people, they have worshiped every god under the sun, but utterly neglected the One God who is over all—Jehovah, who brought them out of Egypt, made them a people, and gave them a land. More remarkable than their sin, however, is their denial of it! Bottom line, Jeremiah says—“…you claim you have not sinned” (Jeremiah 2:35 NLT).

This isn’t a denial rooted in embarrassment or the shame of “being caught.” Rather, it seems that this denial is rooted in self-deception—being utterly oblivious…just plain clueless…to obvious violations of their covenant commitment of absolute loyalty to God and God alone.

And the solution is not “outside” of them—they don’t need better teaching or lighter burdens or more free time or less challenging days.

This is what the LORD says to the people of Judah and Jerusalem:

“Plow up the hard ground of your hearts!
     Do not waste your good seed among thorns.
O people of Judah and Jerusalem,
     surrender your pride and power.
Change your hearts before the Lord,
     or my anger will burn like an unquenchable fire
     because of all your sins.
                               (Jeremiah 4:3-4 NLT)

The answer is to attend to their own hearts! To “surrender [their] pride and power [and] change [their] hearts before the Lord.”

It strikes me how often we’re busily looking for *God* to change *our* hearts. Indeed, one of my favorite songs—“Change my heart, O God!”—makes that very request. But today’s reading suggests there are things only I can do—things I must do—if I’m not to remain in foolish, oblivious denial about my own sinfulness.

And yet, it seems, even for that I need the Lord’s help! (It sure seems so to me!)  So help me, O Lord, to attend to my own heart and submit myself to You…to surrender my pride and power…to plow up the hard ground of my heart…so that good seed is not wasted among the thorns.


1 comment:

Stan said...

That last part reminds me of an old song; I can't even walk, without You holding my hand. He will hold our hand, but He does expect us to walk.