Monday, January 18, 2010

The Intercessor

Scripture Passage For Today

Genesis 47:28-50:26

Scripture Focus

“The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from his descendents,
until the coming of the one to whom it belongs,
the one whom all nations will honor.”
(Genesis 49:10 NLT)


There is, for me, a lot to like in today’s reading—much to think about. I love that Jacob lives aware of his death, and prepares for his demise. Now obviously, a guy who’s fast approaching his 147th birthday is going to be more cognizant of his impending death than most. Still, it’s amazing how so few people will admit that someday—maybe even today—they’re going to die…and recognize the need to prepare for that reality—not only for the handling of their remains (of some important) but for the destiny of their soul (of unequaled importance)!

I love that Jacob blesses the younger over the older—Ephraim over Manasseh—not just because I *am* a younger sibling, but more so (and legitimately so) because (like the blessing of Jacob over Esau) it speaks to God’s blessing as a gift—graciously bestowed on those who cannot claim it as a “right”. I have no right to live in God’s richness, but I can live there—because He has chosen to be gracious to me.

Most wonderful, though, has to be this prophetic word through Jacob regarding a descendent of Judah who will rule like no one else! Judah has risen to prominence among his brothers in the course of their interaction with Joseph. It was Judah who offered to his brothers the alternative of selling Joseph into slavery rather than killing him outright. (I understand that to sell your brother sounds cruel, but of the two alternatives, which was the more compassionate?) It was Judah who guaranteed Benjamin’s safety to Jacob when a second grain-buying trip into Egypt was required. It was Judah who offered himself as a slave to Joseph when Joseph threatened to keep Benjamin from returning to his father, Jacob. It was Judah, then, who ultimately lead his family members into the land of Goshen—a place that would provide sustenance for Jacob’s descendents while there was famine in Canaan.

Judah, then, rises to a place of leadership because he is willing to serve as intercessor for his brothers. From Judah’s descendents, then, will come the Master-Intercessor…the One who steps up to intercede like no other…the Eternal Word, who takes on flesh and blood to “go between” for us and act on our behalf. Because this Intercessor so fully embraces His role—even to the point of death on a cross—God exalts Him to a leadership role like no other—King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The parallel is described, I think, in Philippians, chapter 2, which—speaking of Jesus Christ says…

Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
(Philippians 2:6-11 NIV)

I stand in awe at the mix of divine grace and human will…of how God chooses and people respond…and how generations—and the eternities of generations—are transformed as a result.


BBlazic said...

Pastor! Very well done! I've had my sermond for the day.
"Gift" vs "Rights" and the good note about you being the younger sibling yourself puts power in the comment.
Today might be the day your very life is scatched from you. Is your heart ready?

Bill Winchester said...

Glory to God for all He does how He work through this family and Jesus came to bring us life eternal. And How God is always in control by the example that each son was told what was going to come in their life. Thanks Pastor for your comments too.

becky said...

I love these passages of scripture. They have stirred more emotion and thanksgiving in my soul than any of the others so far. Sooooo encouraging! I see examples of how powerful prayer is. That there is, with - out - a - doubt, hope for us all, and that growing our faith is of great importance. If we keep growing our faith, then God promises to answer our prayers even after we die. I have seen this happen to people I know. In fact, I strongly believe that my grandmother Casey, who was in her 80's when I knew her and died in her 90's, and myself in elementary school, prayed for me. The Lord impressed upon me the importance of her prayers only as an adult and I have thanked the Lord at times for her prayers. (Probably not enough though, so thank-you Lord for my grandmother Casey.) I know there were others that prayed for me, but I feel like her's were special. Thank you Lord for the people you have created to be a part of my family. Those who are now with you and those who are on this earth today and ones to come in the future. I have asked the Lord to honor my prayers for my relatives that are alive now and those who are yet to be created, (family that I may not even be alive to know), that they will be faithful to Him. I pray this for all the people that I know today and will come to know, whether related to me or not. I want a growing faith Dear Lord. In reading today's scripture, *****I see hope for everyone who prays and has a continuous growing of faith.***** God's Word Is Beautiful! Absolutely Beautiful!!!!!!